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How to Keep your Airbnb, VRBO, and Calendars in Sync

Updated: May 5, 2022

The odds are that if you are reading this it's because your vacation rental is listed on multiple platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, and and you are looking for a way to sync your calendars and bookings from all platforms. Search no more, you've come to the right place!

Syncing your calendars helps you prevent double bookings and the painful experience of having to inform a guest who has booked he can't stay in the end as your place has already been booked. Since most platforms use the sam iCal calendar format, they can easily be synced with each other. Follow the simple steps below to get your vacation rental in sync!

Part 1: Airbnb <> calendar sync

1️⃣ Copy your Airbnb calendar URL

1. Log into your Airbnb account and select Manage listing from your profile (top right)

2. From your Dashboard go to Listings > select the listing you want to sync

3. Go to Pricing and availability > Scroll all the way down to Calendar sync

4. Click Export calendar > copy the calendar URL

Airbnb Calendar Sync, Import, Export

2️⃣ Import your Airbnb calendar into

1. Log into your Dashboard

2. Go to Rates & Availability > Sync calendars

3. Click on the Add calendar connection button Add a New Calendar Connection

4. In the Copy and paste your calendar link below text box paste your Airbnb calendar URL

5. Give your calendar a name like Airbnb calendar

6. Click Next step Calendar Import Sync

3️⃣ Copy your calendar URL

1. Now that you have clicked Next step enables you to copy your calendar > click the Copy link button

2. Now go back to your Airbnb Dashboard

4️⃣ Import your calendar into Airbnb

1. From your Airbnb Listing go back to Calendar sync and hit Import Calendar

2. Paste your calendar URL in the Calendar Address (URL) text box

3. Give your calendar a name like calendar

4. Click Import Calendar

From now on, in your account, under the Calendar & Pricing > Sync calendar section you should see your Airbnb calendar. The status will show as Activating and once that is completed, the status will change to Okay.

From then on you're sorted out! Your Airbnb and calendar will now sync in bookings from and vice versa.

Part 2: Airbnb <> VRBO calendar sync

1️⃣ Copy your Airbnb calendar URL

Repeat the steps as detailed above (part 1, step 1).

2️⃣ Import your Airbnb calendar into VRBO

1. Log into your VRBO Owner Dashboard

2. Go to Calendars > Reservations

3. Click on the Import/Export dropdown button

4. Click Import calendar

VRBO Calendar Import Sync

5. Give your calendar a name like Airbnb calendar

6. Paste your Airbnb calendar in the Calendar URL text box

7. Make sure you select the Block dates option

8. Click Import calendar

3️⃣ Copy your VRBO calendar URL

1. Click on the Import/Export dropdown button once again

2. Click Export calendar

3. Copy the VRBO calendar URL

4. Now go back to your Airbnb Dashboard

4️⃣ Import your VRBO calendar into Airbnb

Repeat the steps as detailed above (part 1, step 4).

One last step > using manual refresh

iCal calendars do not update immediately. Airbnb, VRBO, and calendars usually update each other every few hours. Depending on the frequency at which you receive bookings this may leave room for double bookings. The best way to avoid this from happening is to hit the Update/Refresh button on your, Airbnb, VRBO account every time you get a new booking. With this final step, you should be able to avoid double bookings altogether!


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